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Abbotswood Primary School

Together We Aim High, Believe and Achieve

Being a Linguist - French


Being a linguist at Abbotswood Primary School


Rational (Intent)


At Abbotswood, we believe that learning a foreign language should be enjoyable, engaging and purposeful and should enable the pupils to make substantial progress in one language.  We have chosen French as Abbotswood's main language because of the number of French speakers around the world but also because it is a language that some children may encounter through holidays.   Learning French also provides the opportunity to develop intercultural understanding of the culture and customs of French speaking countries. 


We learn French in all classes in Key Stage 2. We aim to develop a greater awareness and interest of different cultures, inspiring our pupils to develop a passion and enthusiasm for another language.


How We Teach French (Implementation)


At Abbotswood, we introduce pupils to the French language in Year 3. Initially, they learn vocabulary in a practical way using songs and pictures. We listen to new language, say French words and phrases, building up to sentences and conversations. Children learn to talk, read and write about topics they are familiar with. 

In addition, cross-curricular links are made where appropriate to reinforce our children’s learning and make the language more meaningful to them.


How French is Assessed at Abbotswood (Impact)


The subject leader monitors the coverage of skills and knowledge through learning walks, book scrutiny, pupil voice and planning overviews to ensure that children build on previous learning and may progress as they move up the school.


Specific learning outcomes are highlighted on the French progression document identifying what has been taught and achieved.

    Who to contact?

    Caroline Wood
