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Abbotswood Primary School

Together We Aim High, Believe and Achieve

Being a Mathematician...

Our Maths Rationale (Intent)


If you look deeply enough into any problem, you will often see Maths, whether it be working out the change at a shop, or working out how long you've got before your favourite TV show starts. The use of numbers and sequences, shapes and graphs are commonplace in today's society. We use Maths daily and as a result, we believe that the children should be exposed to the skills they will need in later life. A sound understanding of mathematical concepts will ensure that our children feel comfortable and confident when the time comes for them to head out into our community. We hope to break the 'fear factor' surrounding Maths and show the children that it can be creative, relevant and fun!     

How do we teach Maths at Abbotswood? (Implementation)


At Abbotswood we teach challenging and engaging Maths lessons every day across the school. We ensure challenge for all children through our 'Try it, Use it, Prove it' teaching sequence. 


'Try it' tasks aim to improve the children's fluency of the skill. Fluency refers to knowing key mathematical facts, methods and recalling these efficiently. 'Use it' tasks are usually in context (e.g. Money and measures) and challenge the children to draw on the skills they have refined in the 'Try it' tasks. 'Prove it' tasks require the children to explain their understanding demonstrating a developed and broad mathematical understanding. 


To ensure all children start at the correct point of the unit and move through the unit at a pace that is suitable for their needs, we complete 'hot and cold' tasks. The 'cold' task is completed before the start of the unit and the teacher uses the information to determine the correct starting point for that child. The 'hot' task is then completed after the unit to assess the progress and identify children who need additional support. 


In EYFS and Year 1 we use continuous provision to enhance the curriculum. This means our children have the freedom to be independent choice-makers. It's perfect for encouraging our children to be active learners, and to take control of their own learning. As they move through the school, this decision-making and independence will help them to develop into lifelong learners of Maths.

Examples of our teaching sequence

Here is our calculation policy - this is what all classes follow to ensure consistency.


There is a simplified version for each year group too. Take a look! :)

Our Maths working walls

In every classroom we have a Maths working wall. These are used to display the learning for the unit and help children to independently access the learning.


Regular skills practise 


Across the school, outside of Maths lessons, the children are given the opportunity to practise a wide range of mathematical skills through regular taught sessions. 


Every class has a Flashback 4 session daily to recap skills taught in Maths and embed learning. 



In Year 1, the children are tested on their number bonds as these form the foundations of their future Maths learning. From Year 2 to 4, we regularly practise our times tables and the children are tested every week. We teach times tables throughout the week through step counting (FUNKEY MATHS) lessons, Ashley down booklets and FUNKEY MATHS games. We also use Time table Rockstars to enhance our teaching and support practice at home. 





Throughout Key Stage 2, the children have daily Mini Maths sessions. These sessions are designed to expose the children to the expectations needed for the end of Key Stage 2. 



From the start of September 2023, in EYFS and KS1, we have started using NCETM Mastering Number program to support early number sense.

How do we assess Maths at Abbotswood? (Impact)


We assess Maths on a daily basis, through our cold and hot tasks and the teacher's marking during and after the lessons. Every single lesson has been specifically planned to meet an Age Related Expectation (ARE’s) which meets the needs of every child throughout the school


Maths is assessed using the school’s ARE’s 3 times a year – at the end of Term 2, 4 and 6. From this, we can see any gaps in progress and we can prioritise support for individuals for the following term. 


We also completed White Rose assessments at the end of Term 2, 4 and 6 so help inform our teacher assessment and ensure it is accurate.


Children are assessed at the end of Years 2 (optional) and Year 6 for the end of Key Stage Statutory Assessments (SATs).

ARE progression for EYFS to Year 6

Who to contact about Maths at Abbotswood 


If you have any questions or queries about Maths at Abbotswood, please speak to the Maths subject lead.


Maths subject leader – Miss Anna Short :) 
