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Abbotswood Primary School

Together We Aim High, Believe and Achieve


Governors at Abbotswood Primary School

Who are we?

Abbotswood Primary School governing body consists of:

  • The Headteacher
  • One elected staff governor
  • One appointed LA Governor
  • Seven Co-Opted Governors
  • Two Elected Parent Governors

These governors represent various groups from within the school and the wider community. Our governors come from various backgrounds (not all education), and bring different skills and experiences to the group.


What do we do?

We meet 6 times a year as a Full Governing Body which also covers all the curriculum, health and safety, finance, personnel and premises issues. We encourage every governor to have one area of expertise and join one school development team.


What is our purpose?

1.            Strategic Role: working with the senior leadership team within the school, governors agree and recommend areas for improvement and development. We then ensure strategies, policies and procedures are in place to meet these developments. These are then documented in ‘The School Development Plan’.

2.            Monitoring & Support: we monitor the performance of the school against the School Development Plan by attending meetings and asking questions, receiving report and other key documents and by visiting the school. We celebrate the successes of the school.

3.            Accountability: as a Full Governing Body we are accountable for the performance of the school.


What support and training do we receive?

All governors are given a governor induction pack and are welcomed to school by the head teacher, who provides a tour of school and an overview of school priorities.

Governors are provided with a mentor: a more experienced governor who can provide support and information.

South Gloucestershire Council provides a Governor Support Service which provides training (including an induction course) and support to all governors. They also run network meetings where governors can meet colleagues from other schools and exchange ideas and practises. Governors are encouraged to attend at least one training session during the year.


How to become a Governor?

If you are a parent, then at such time that a parent governor vacancy becomes available, you will need to apply to the school. Parent governors usually stand for a period of 4 years after which time if they want to continue they must reapply along with any new nominees. If there are more nominees than positions available, a ballot is held and all parents from the school vote.

If you are not a parent, you can approach the school and make it know that you are interested in being a community governor.. When a vacancy arises we will make contact with you.

If you want to find out more or speak to a governor, please contact the clerk Mrs Anna Sutton in the school office or please speak to Head of School Mrs Willoughby or our Chair of Governors Mr Ian Gill (via the school office)


Financial Information
Please note that we do not have any employees with a gross annual salary of more than £100,000
Please Click here to view our school's financial data


Term of OfficeType of GovernorAppointed byOffice Held/ResponsibilityPecuniary InterestsMembership of Other Governor BodiesPersonal Relationships in School
Mr Robert Cockle1.9.18 -



 Executive HeadteacherNoWick CE Primary SchoolNone
Mrs Sarah Willoughby1.2.17 -


 Head of SchoolNoNoneNone
Mr Jonathan Edwards6.12.21 - 5.12.25StaffElected by staff NoNoneNone
Mrs Denise Millman

15.05.23 - 14.05.27

Co-optedGoverning Body NoNoneNone
Mr Ian Gill08.06.22 - 07.06.26ParentGoverning Body - UncontestedChair of FGBNoNoneChild in Year 5
Mr Ken Thomas14.3.22 - 13.3.26Co-optedGoverning Body NoNoneNone
Mr Ben Morgan5.5.22 - 4.5.26Co-optedGoverning Body NoNoneChild in 1 and Year 5
Mr Paul Blackwell21.1.22 - 20.1.26ParentGoverning Body - Uncontested NoNoneChild in Year 2
Mr Russell Owen30.01.23 - 29.01.27Co-optedGoverning Body NoNoneChild in Year 2
Vacancy LA     
Miss Anna Sutton5.11.18 -Clerk to the Governors School Business ManagerNo


Mrs Rachel Gittoes30.09.19-29.09.23Co-optedGoverning Body    
Mrs Joy Phillpotts05.12.22-01.09.23Co-optedGoverning Body    
Mrs Julie Bradley15.11.20-26.01.23Co-optedGoverning Body    

Governors Attendance at Meeting Academic Year 2022-2023


Governor10th October28th November30th January27th March15th May10th July
Ian GillYesYesYesYesYesYes
Ken ThomasYesYesYesYesYesYes
Rob CockleYesYesNoYesYesYes
Sarah WilloughbyYesYesYesYesYesYes
Jonathan EdwardsYesYesYesYesYesYes
Denise MillmanYesNoYesYesYesYes
Paul BlackwellYesYesYesNoNoYes
Rachel GittoesYesNoYesNoYesYes
Joy PhillpottsYesNoYesYesNoYes
Julie BradleyNoNo    

Russell Owen

Ben MorganNoNoYesNoYesYes

