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Abbotswood Primary School

Together We Aim High, Believe and Achieve

Term 3

A basket of goodness from our new friend Little Red - January 2024

We were very lucky today because we received a basket of goodies to try. Little Red gave us a basket full of ginger beer and juicy red apples for us all to try. The ginger beer was very bubbly and fiery. The apples were tasty. We found out that Little Red was from a new story that we are using for our English. 

Enquiry - how can we lead a healthy Life? - January 2024

We kick started our new enquiry with some soup tasting. We tried 4 different soups and we asked the children to guess the flavour of each one. We then created a bar graph of our favourite flavour. Tomato was the clear winner. Followed by vegetable and Broccoli and stilton.
