At Abbotswood, we believe that all children are unique and have the potential to achieve great things!! We work hard to instill in them high aspirations and a sense of believing in themselves to achieve their dreams.
Responsibility - we stop and think before we act and take responsibility for our actions.
Empathy - we empathise with others and only use kind words and actions.
Sense of Pride - we walk quietly around our school, look after our environment and present ourselves and work with pride.
Perseverance - we work hard and persevere when things are challenging, not giving up.
Enthusiasm - we are enthusiastic about our learning; we do our best and aim high.
Curiosity - we are curious to find out more and ask questions to expand our knowledge.
Teamwork - we work well as part of a team by listening to others and sharing ideas.
Each value is focussed on, one a term, with the value of Teamwork being a focus throughout the year. During whole school assemblies, children who follow the value of the term are celebrated and thanked with a certificate.
The values of the school are linked with the school rules and our behaviour policy.
Jigsaw helps to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance with those of different faiths and beliefs.