SEND and Inclusion
Abbotswood Primary School is an inclusive school aiming to provide a broad, engaging and stimulating education for all our children, including those identified with special educational needs or disabilities.
Provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is coordinated by Ms Wood, SENCo. SEN Governor, Mrs Millman, supports and monitors the school’s provision.
How do we identify pupils with special educational needs?
- When a child starts school with an identified special educational need or disability, we initially liaise with parents and carers to gather information and develop a clear understanding of the child’s needs.
- We will read professional reports made available to us and endeavour to implement advice given. We are happy to liaise with any professionals who continue to be involved with the pupil.
- We will contact any previous educational setting requesting information regarding the pupil e.g. assessment data, action plans, professional reports
- If you feel that your child may have SEND, you may request a meeting with your child’s teacher and the SENCo. We will share information about the child, consider any intervention to support them and may agree an action plan that could be implemented at both home and school.
- If we feel your child has a special educational need we may carry out further assessments, plan intervention and monitor progress to ensure that appropriate provision is in place. With parental consent, consideration may also be given to making a referral to professionals outside school for further assessment and advice.
How do we involve children and the parent/carers in identifying SEND?
- We believe the pupil’s and parent’s views are essential so both you and your child will be involved in planning and reviewing any proposed actions.
- We will share views to determine whether your child’s understanding and behaviour are the same at home and school and work with you to plan how further progress could be made.
- Following assessment, we may write an action plan, with strategies to implement and short-term targets. We will monitor progress with you by meeting at least 3 times a year.
- Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan will have an annual review involving parents/carers which is reported to the local authority.
How do we adapt the curriculum so that we meet SEND?
- Teachers differentiate lessons so they are accessible to pupils working below age related expectations and they also challenge the more able, enabling every child to engage in learning at their level.
- We provide additional interventions or alternative resources so that every child is able to make good progress.
- Interventions may include participating in a group or having short 1:1 sessions focussing on areas such as social skills, self-esteem, motor skills, phonics, reading, speech & language, writing or maths skills.
How do we modify teaching approaches?
- Teachers and teaching assistants across the school have been trained in a range of specialist areas and share their knowledge and expertise to support pupils with specific needs. The experienced SENCo provides advice and support in planning provision for pupils with special educational needs.
- Dyslexia friendly strategies are used in all classrooms.
- Staff are aware that many pupils have sensory needs and opportunities to meet those needs are given.
- A range of teaching approaches are used to appeal to different styles of learning – visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.
- Computers are used to support learning.
How do we ensure children make good progress?
- We check how well a child understands and makes progress in every lesson through ongoing assessments.
- Regular marking and assessment-for-learning feedbacks daily to the children and identifies their next steps.
- If a child is working below age related expectations, they will work towards targets set for a younger age group.
- The Senior Leadership Team monitor the progress of all children and have termly meetings with the teachers to identify barriers to learning and how to move their learning forward.
What equipment or resources do we use to give extra support?
- We use visual timetables, countdown timers, learning mats, phonic and word mats,Numicon, dienes apparatus, place value counters and other specific resources to support those children who need it.
- We have various ICT programs and applications to support children’s learning.
- Any specific physical needs will be assessed individually, in partnership with an occupational therapist or physiotherapist, and equipment will be provided to meet those needs.
What extra support do we bring in to help us meet SEND?
- We subscribe to external providers and obtain support from educational psychologists, speech & language therapists, Inclusion Support Officers and the Behaviour Support Team.
What extra-curricular activities are available for children with SEND?
- We have a range of after school activities which are open to all children.
- Breakfast and after school clubs are run by members of staff. The SENCo liaises with those staff so they are fully aware and able to adapt provision to support any pupils with SEND.
- Forest school sessions are made available to pupils with SEND.
- We have educational trips as well as people coming into school to support different topic areas. All children, as well as those with SEND, are always included and we provide any additional support to ensure full inclusion.
How do we support children in their transition from pre-school and to secondary school?
- Children starting Abbotswood Primary School in our Reception classes have a home visit from their class teacher and teaching assistant in September.
- We receive information from pre-schools prior to the child starting school. If they have a special educational need, a meeting will be arranged in the Summer Term with the Reception teacher, SENCo, Pre-school staff and parents/carers. That meeting will involve sharing information and making a transition plan, which may involve additional school visits.
- The Reception teacher and SENCo may arrange additional visits to observe the child in Pre-school.
- If your child is moving to another school, we will pass on records about your child to their new school as soon as possible.
- When children move on to secondary school we will speak directly to the SENCO for their new school to ensure continuity of support. We will support your child with focused work on the transition and the understanding of changes happening. If necessary, we may arrange an assisted transfer, which can involve extra visits to become familiar with the buildings and staff.
- When children find transitions between year groups difficult, we will arrange for extra time with their new teacher and create a photo book to help prepare them for the changes.
What support is available for my child’s well-being?
- We are happy to administer medicines that are required during the school day as long as a medication form is completed and given to the school office.
- We are happy to provide personal care and access to this will be discussed and agreed as required.
- All children, as well as those with SEND, have the opportunity to take part in social and emotional wellbeing groups.
- We have a family support worker, Mrs Pritchard, who is trained in Emotional Literacy. She is available to listen to any concerns or issues that may impact on you, or your child’s wellbeing, and offer support herself or sign-post to outside services.
Where can parents/carers get extra support?
- Your views are important to us. We want to listen to them and know that you are satisfied with what happens in school to support your child.
- The first point of contact regarding concerns for your child is their class teacher.
- Ms Wood is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) who will be happy to meet and discuss any concerns with you. Her regular days in school are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
- Mrs Pritchard, our ELSA and Family Support Worker, is also available to offer support.
- We hold regular workshops and coffee mornings for parents and carers which are publicised in the school newsletters.
Here you can find our SEND policy and SEND information report.
If you would like further information on the Local Offer please follow the link to South Gloucestershire Council.
If you have any questions or queries about SEND please contact the class teacher or Ms Wood, SENCo 01454 867777.
Signposting links for further advice
Support in and around South Gloucestershire:
Nationwide Support