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Abbotswood Primary School

Together We Aim High, Believe and Achieve

Reception Tawny & Barn Owls

Tawny and Barn Owls 2023-2024


Welcome to our class pages! This is the place to find out about what we have been up to in class and other important pieces of information.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask a member of the Reception Team!


Mr Jelf and Miss Robinson (Barn Owls)


Mrs Smith and Mrs Edwards (Tawny Owls)

Induction Presentation


Here is the induction presentation which we went through on the 7th June. If you have any questions, email the parents email address - - and a member of the Reception Team will get back to you as soon as we can!

What your child will need for school:

Toileting and spare clothes.


If your child needs support with toileting and is likely to require spare clothes throughout the day, we have a plentiful supply of clothes in school. If however, you prefer to send your own clothes in, then please ensure they come in a labelled drawstring or carrier bag. This bag can then be left on their peg, rather than coming to and from school each day. 



They do not need a backpack! They will need to bring their bookbag to school every day.

Evidence Me


Don't forget to download the Evidence Me app onto your phone or tablet.
