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Abbotswood Primary School

Together We Aim High, Believe and Achieve

Being a Historian

Rational (Intent)

At Abbotswood we are all historians! We learn about the past from The Stone Age to recent memories through an enquiry based curriculum. We use this knowledge to help us understand how people and communities have shaped the world in which we live in today. Our aim is for the children to leave Abbotswood as a historian who can explain, questions and critically analyse the past and its impact.  To investigate history, we use a range of sources, artefacts and evidence within our lessons. To further enhance our children’s education, we aim to provide a variety of experiences throughout their time at Abbotswood linking to the history curriculum. They will also have opportunities to research and ask questions to support their understanding. 

How We Teach History (Implementation)

At Abbotswood, we use our enquires to exposes children to the history curriculum. The history curriculum is woven through these enquiries both as a lead state of being and a supporting state of being.  Historical knowledge and skills are taught through the enquiry lessons where children are immersed in experiences such as using sources, artefacts, role play, videos, trips and visitors. They will also have opportunities to research and ask questions to support their understanding. In addition to this, cross-curricular links are made where appropriate to enrich our children’s learning and experiences.


At Abbotswood we support our learners to:

  • Develop a knowledge and understanding of people and events from a range of historical periods.
  • Research independently and in-depth including through home learning tasks.
  • Present their finding in a variety of ways including through home learning tasks.
  • Develop a passion and enthusiasm of history.
  • Develop an understanding of the past and be able to explain the impact
  • Develop critical thinking through analysing the reliability of sources and understand that the past can be represent in different ways

How History is Assessed at Abbotswood (Impact)


The subject leader (Miss Jones)  monitors the coverage of skills and knowledge to ensure that they are taught simultaneously through learning walks, book scrutiny, pupil voice and planning overviews.


For each enquiry, specific curriculum objectives are identified and taught. These can be identified on the history progression document. 

History Learning at Abbotswood

Please take a look at our photo gallery to see our fantastic history learning across the year groups at Abbotswood.
