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Abbotswood Primary School

Together We Aim High, Believe and Achieve

Being a Speaker

Oracy at Abbotswood


At Abbotswood Primary we aim to equip our learners with the skills to talk and listen effectively to one another. Oracy gives every child the opportunity to find their voice; to articulate their ideas, thoughts and feelings clearly and coherently and develops understanding. Effective communication helps every child to fulfil their potential and flourish in their school life and beyond, regardless of their background. We endeavour to give every learner, under our provision, this opportunity.



The Oracy Framework

Our Oracy curriculum is underpinned by the Oracy Framework created by Voice 21. The Oracy framework uses four vital strands; physical, linguistic, cognitive and social and emotional. Through a high quality Oracy education, students learn through talk and learn to talk. The use of carefully planned, modelled and scaffolded talk in the classroom heightens subject knowledge and understanding for our learners.






Our Talk Guidelines


  • Use a clear voice
  • Look at the person you are talking to. 
  • Take it in turns
  • Be a good listener
  • Stand up to talk
  • Look at the person who is talking

Hand Signals

The children all use three main hand signals; thumb up when they are instigating or have a new idea, arms crossed for challenging others answers and fists on top of each other to build on their peers answer. The children stand up to talk and speak in full sentences and this helps to build on their confidence and language skills. 

