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Abbotswood Primary School

Together We Aim High, Believe and Achieve

Personal Social Health Education

Being a Philosopher at Abbotswood Primary School.  

How we teach PSHE at Abbotswood Primary School.



Here at Abbotswood, we teach PSHE through the Jigsaw scheme of work. This comprehensive programme gives children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and develop positive relationships with themselves and others.


With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw helps us to deliver an engaging and relevant PSHE within a whole school approach.  Not only this, Jigsaw also includes mindfulness, allowing children to progress their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.




How we teach PSHE.


There are six Puzzles each with six Pieces (lessons). Every year group studies the same Puzzle at the same time, allowing for whole school themes. Each year group is taught one lesson per week and all lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that the children’s needs are met.


The Puzzles.


There are 6 Puzzle pieces which are taught throughout the year.


Being Me In My World covers a wide range of topics, including a sense of belonging, welcoming others and being part of the school and the wider community.


Celebrating Difference focuses on similarities and differences and teaches about diversity, such as disability, racism, power, friendships, and conflict; children learn to accept everyone’s right to ‘difference’.


Dreams and Goals aims to help children think about their hopes and dreams, their goals for success. Children learn about experiencing and managing different feelings.


Healthy Me covers two main areas of health: Emotional and Physical health.


Relationships has a wide focus, looking at diverse topics such as families, friendships, pets and animals, and love and loss. A vital part of this Puzzle is about safeguarding and keeping children safe.  They have the chance to explore roles and responsibilities in families, and look at stereotypes.


Changing Me deals with change of many types, from growing from young to old, becoming a teenager, assertiveness, self-respect and safeguarding. Self and body image, puberty, attraction and accepting change are diverse subjects for children to explore. Each year group thinks about looking ahead, moving year groups or the transition to secondary school. Life cycles and how babies are made and grow are treated sensitively and are designed to meet children’s needs. All year groups learn about how people and bodies change. This Puzzle links with the Science curriculum when teaching children about life cycles, babies and puberty. 





Here at Abbotswood, your child’s progress is monitored throughout the year.  Children are assessed against the objectives taught in each theme.  The teacher will assess whether pupils in each year group have achieved the 'expected' age related standard. This takes place in Term 2, 4 and 6 for KS1 and KS2, and Term 1,3 and 5 for EYFS.



If you would like any further information or have any questions regarding this provision, please contact Mrs. Risdale or Miss. Carter.


British Values


Jigsaw helps to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance with those of different faiths and beliefs.



Jigsaw PSHE ensures that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills, year on year as appropriate.

Exploring Jigsaw at Abbotswood.


The children have the opportunity a to explore a wide range of different topics including their role within the wider community, their behaviour and responsibilities and how these affect their feelings.  Children have also discussed their dreams and goals.  Children look closely about how they can progress and what they need to do in order to fulfil their dreams. It is really interesting to see how this progresses from KS1 to Year 6.

Road Safety.


The children at Abbotswood have been learning all about road safety! They have looked at the ways to stay safe when out and about and about how to be seen in the dark.  They have discussed and practised how to cross the road safely; stop, look, listen, look again and make sure that it is safe to cross. 

A visit from the Dogs Trust.


The children in Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 were lucky enough to have a visit from the Dogs Trust.  Helen introduced Daisy to the children and they were able to act out different scenarios focused on how to stay safe around dogs.  Helen ensured all the children understood that it is not always appropriate to approach a dog, even if it looks friendly.  Children and adults must ask the owner first and wait for an answer.  Not only did Helen tell the children about how to keep safe when out and about with dogs, but she also discussed how to keep safe in the home. Children really enjoyed learning how to be DOG SMART!

Cats Protection!


We were very lucky to have a visit from Cat's Protection this term.  The two volunteers talked to the children about cat health, wellbeing and about how to successfully keep a cat!  The children learned all about the five senses and how a cat uses them in everyday life.  


For more information on Cats Protection, please visit the website :



Cats Protection.

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