Abbotswood Primary School is committed to giving children opportunities to learn and thrive in the outdoor environment.
Forest school not only allows the children to become independent learners and make choices to enable them to take and manage risks but also promotes positive behaviour and well-being, builds resilience and boosts self-esteem whilst providing opportunities to co-operate and communicate with others whilst working as a team.
Learning to live in harmony with nature and conserving and creating habitats has always been a big part of our sessions. It is becoming even more important now, that we teach our pupils to take control, realise the value of how nature is critical for survival and be more aware of ways to tackle climate change.
Woods, forests and trees are essential for people, wildlife and life so over the past few years we have become active #forcesfornature and planted an orchard alongside our forest school area to promote both biodiversity and lock up carbon. This has given the children an opportunity to care and nurture the trees, whilst understanding how important planting new trees is for our future. In order to help prevent climate change we will continue to provide opportunities to think critically and take responsibility for our place on the planet by using our outdoor spaces to teach the children how to take care of their environment and develop a love and appreciation of nature, to create a healthier world where all life can thrive on earth.
Pupils thoroughly enjoy school. They are curious and interested to find things out. Pupils learn to manage risks safely. For example, they explore and talk enthusiastically about pond dipping and climbing trees. Ofsted 2019