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Abbotswood Primary School

Together We Aim High, Believe and Achieve

Year 1 Hedgehogs and Squirrels

Welcome to Year 1!


We are Hedgehogs and Squirrels.

Welcome to our Class Page!

Here you will find our termly home-learning information and newsletters for Year 1 as well as information about all of the exciting activities that we get up to in school!  . 


We ask parents to hear their children read  at least 4 times a week, as we see the best progress in those children who read regularly at home with an adult.


Thank you for all of your help and support.


Adults in Squirrels classroom:


Mrs. Risdale (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs. Winstone (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) - Class Teachers



Adults in Hedgehogs classroom:


Miss Mason - Class Teacher


Other adults in Year 1:


Mrs Williams - Assistant Teacher

Mrs Johnson - Assistant Teacher

Miss Edwards - Trainee Assistant Teacher

Miss Freeman - Assistant Teacher



In Year 1, much of your children's learning is done through continuous provision and adult based learning at the Tutor table. Continuous provision describes all of the different provision areas which are available for your children to use every day. Within each of these areas of provision there is a wide range of resources that your children can use though out the day to enhance their learning.  Not only does this provoke questions, curiosity and engagement, but it also helps to build your children's independence.


Take a look at what everyone has been up to this term!

Newsletters and Home Learning
