Who are we?
The Friends of Abbotswood Primary School, usually referred to simply as ‘The Friends’, is a registered charity of which parents, teaching staff, Governors and anyone interested in the welfare of the school are members. Our aim is to make our children’s education a rich, varied and fun experience by funding the extras, those not covered by the school budget, or helping with funding for bigger projects.
What do we do?
We hold a number of fund raising events throughout the year including:
Movie Nights
Friday Tuck Shop
Ice Cream Fridays when the weather is better.
Mothers Day and Fathers Day wrap, where the pupils choose a surprise present for Mum, Dad or other family members.
All of the above are appreciated by the pupils and parents alike.
Money Raised
Most years we raise between £1,000 - £2,000 and this money is spent quickly so that your children benefit.
Recently we helped with some funding towards the refurbished library, helped fund the Spring Clean and also helped fund a Quantum Theatre visit. Staff and pupils always seem to have a wish list of things they would like and we would very much like to be able to fund them all but do have to make choices.
The committee meetings, which consist of the officers and as many willing helpers who can attend, take place regularly, usually every two to three weeks during term time, to discuss and plan for events and to hear and discuss requests for funds. We are always happy to see new members so please do come along. You can always contact us through the school office as well.
Officers for the current school year are:-
Chair – Holly Jones
Treasurer – Anna Sutton
The Friends have raised lots of money this year and as you can see in the recent leaflet given to our new Reception parents, we have spent it wisely!
Today, Years 1-6 had a special visit from a local dramatic society. They were giving the children a very important message about E-Safety, how to stay safe online and how to be sensible whilst using their phones. They also spoke about the potential dangers that children may face when outside of school such as: what to do if a stranger approaches you and what to do if you see something online that upsets you. The play was called Say No Or Say Nothing and the children were excellently behaved throughout and really took the message on board.
It might be a good idea to have a talk with your child about what they learnt today!
Mr Jelf